
Thursday, July 29, 2010

She's off....kinda

So, today is the day, the first day of this self-inflicted ‘blog recipe challenge’ and I’m already freaking out. My fridge is not stocked although my cupboards are full, of what you ask? Who knows? I certainly don’t. This project is going to force me to think ahead if it’s going to be cost effective and manageable. Cooking isn’t cheap especially if you’re aiming to cook with half decent ingredients. I’d say cost is the main reason I don’t cook often, couple cost with laziness and the time it takes to prep and wait for the damn meal to cook….It’s exhausting. This is why I’m here writing in cyber space to curb my laziness , eat better, learn about cooking, achieve a life ribbon, while using this blog to view my progress this year. I’m excited/terrified.

You know those Lean Cuisine commercials where three women chat about what they had last night for dinner; one of them paints a horrific image of grazing on stale box of crackers while chomping on a wedge of cheddar cheese, the other sighs and admits she ate a tub of Ben and Jerry’s Chunky Monkey, then the last lady describes in detail her mouth watering Lean Cuisine as the other women stand dumbfounded. Guess who I am??? I’m a CHUNKY MONKEY holding a brick of cheese. Alright, so this admission also means I should hit the gym. I know, I know. One step at a time. I want to describe mouth watering dishes to people at the water cooler too, but things I’ve made from scratch not memories of a sodium laced chicken breast with a few grains of rice.

My challenge starts today. I have 7 days starting from today to make 4 different recipes. Good thing I didn’t make it 7 recipes a week, I’d fail today. I’m going out for a drink (which translates to many drinks and a hangover in the morning) with my friend Bobbie tonight in the Village. I can’t cook tonight, it’s my B-Day. You never know, I could think of something all drunk and messy when I get home, surprising even myself.



Monday, July 26, 2010

No More Chicken Casserole

So, I make a great simple Chicken Casserole which my boyfriend loves. I'm pretty sure he'd eat it everyday if I made it for him. On average I probably make it for him once every two weeks, which has been going on for the last year we've lived together. That's 24 Chicken Casseroles in 365 days. Ok maybe that isn't a lot in the span of 365 days but I don't cook much else, a home made soup here, a pasta there, pork chops are a big hit too but nothing fancy, nothing to write home about, nothing else in the span of 365 has been request multiple times. Boring, that right...I'm boring or at least that is how I feel.

Tonight sitting down to yet another Chicken Casserole in the last week of my 20's I couldn't think of anything I have made in the last 4 months that was out of my comfort zone or I haven't made 20 times before. I thought to myself, I need to branch out cook more, eat out less, eat better, expands my love and knowledge of food and why not blog about it along the way.

I'm challenging myself to cook 4 new recipes in a week and blog about it. My friend Paul (my brutally honest BFF) claims I'm not committed because I have chosen not to make something everyday also this blog idea has been done before. First thing that comes to mind is Julie vs Julia (loved the movie) so yeah he's half right about it not being an original idea but damn it I'm committed. It's going to be difficult, potentially expensive, time consuming and I'm going to want to bail but I'm going to stick it out. I have never blogged before either, so that alone will be a challenge.

A couple months back while having dinner with my old roomies Dave and Nicole, a time we were all obsessed with Farmville. We discussed the draw of the game and why we fell victim to it. We all knew our time would have been better spent doing anything but harvesting but those cyber fields and fertilizing our neighbors crops but the satisfaction of achieving another RIBBON and surpassing your old roomie a level was so sweet. We discussed applying achieving cyber ribbons to your own life, creating your own "crops" to harvest and awarding ourselves in the end. Reading this back it's so simple which is why Farmville is so popular and so easy. I don't farm anymore either do my old roommates, we're playing our own game of life. Starting this blog reminded me of that conversation and my obsession with Farmville. I need a project something to work towards, push myself as I learn along the way.

So my 365 Days 208 Recipes Challenge will start on July 29th, 2010 my 30th birthday. Ekk! I'm an old lady.

Chicken Casserole

2 Cans of Mushroom Soup
2 Cups of Rice
2 Chicken Breasts (cubed)
4 Large Carrots (cut in coins)
Head of Broccoli (cut up)
1/2 Cup of Graded Cheddar Cheese
Preheat Oven to 375

Mix two cans of Mushroom Soup, 2 cans of water in a casserole dish with the 2 cups of rice. Add in the 2 cubed Chicken Breast, cut carrots and florets of broccoli. Put in the oven at 375 for 45 minutes. Sprinkle Cheddar Cheese on when taken out of the oven, let stand for 5 minutes. Enjoy.
